Nombre de joueurs: N/A Durée dune partie: N/A Age: 11 and up Contenu de la boîte: 8 Dungeon Twister figurines in resin, unpainted. Prix: $25.00 Dungeon Twister was created by Christophe Boelinger and illustrated by Wayne Reynolds and Thierry Masson. |
3D figurines
Those resin figurines will give a 3D feel to your game. The world is divided into two categories, those who use pawns, and those who use beautiful figurines! With this special set of resin figurines for Dungeon Twister, you will be part of the second category! Each box contains 8 figurines, matching the 8 characters of the Basic Set (Warrior, Cleric, Wizard, Mekanork, Thief, Wall Walker, Troll, Gobelin), carved by studio Fenryll. The figurines are made of resin, on the scale 25mm and are sold unpainted. We thought of those who cannot paint or who do not have time to do it, since the figurines are proposed in two separate blisters, one contains yellow resin figurines, for the yellow team, the other contains blue resin figurines for the blue team. The eight figurines represent the characters such as they are drawn in the game and benefit from all the control and the quality of engraving and completion usual to Fenryll studios. To see what that resembles click here |
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